
Friday, April 19, 2013


April 19, 2013

This is going to have to be an audience-participation post.

While I have been profligate today (in fact, joyfully profligate--at least with my time, though not, in fact with my money) that has not been the case for the last month.

I have had to act with such efficiency that I have really had to streamline my life just to get through the daily "to do" list.

The first "vic" (as they say on Law and Order) was my Google Reader which I swore off of on March 18.  Late Lent?  Not really.  I just knew that I couldn't spend the time I usually did skimming through my blogs and news sources if I was going to survive.  When  I logged back on this morning, the counter had stopped keeping track of the counter.  By the look, I only had 1000+ articles to catch up on.  The reality was more like 9,400+

This was probably a reasonable idea, BUT I also know I have made some bad choices in the last month.

No, adding half and half and sugar to your cup of tea doesn't substitute for lunch.

    . . . Even if it saves you twenty minutes or more that it would take to prepare and eat some canned soup.  
    . . . Even if you also grab a peppermint from the receptionist desk to stand in as dessert.
    . . . Even if you can hold your cup with your left hand, while you grade with your right.

No, "holding it" until the end of the work day so that you don't waste a trip down the hall and can jet "go" on your way to the car isn't a good idea.

I have some more confessions to make about my "time-saving" during crunch time, but I'm going to hold out on you, until you tell me what short cuts you have taken or "read about" when you are pressed for time and need to get more done.

In the meantime, I'm going to pause a moment and get the palm fronds out of my car, that I have been chauffeuring around since Palm Sunday, because I wasn't willing to take the time to do whatever it is that one does with leftover palm fronds.

Please chime in.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


April 9, 2013

Everything goes better with avocados.

Or whipped topping