
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Erin is Fine


I know. I was starting to worry you. Don't worry. Erin is fine.

I doubt I have time to cover all the Erin happenings of the last twelve days (yes, thanks for the e-mails reminding me how long it had been. You know how we Buengers are in math). They include two shut out soccer matches (5-0, and 8-0, I think) for the Red Hot Chilis, a day trip to Sea World (think seven hour car trip, plus the Big Shamu) with Abby and Ayesha, and a crack-up gem of a project on Karankawa Indians, who apparently neglected a couple of levels in their food pyramid and lived in disposable houses.

We also watched the Chet Edwards/Van Taylor debate with about fifty other Chet supporters in a local eating and drinking establishment. Erin kept everyone supplied with plenty of Chet stickers and a great deal of native exuberance, as well. She kept yelling at the big screen tv, "If Mr. Taylor can't say something nice, he shouldn't say anything at all," much to the howling delight of the rest of the audience.

Erin did spend a good portion of the last several days on the potty with loose bowels. Most of you probably don't know, but neuroblastoma tumors secrete a protein that loosens the bowels. I spent a good deal of the weekend wishing digestive problems on myself, thinking that if it were a virus, it would be contagious. By Sunday evening, I was out of luck. . .output as firm as ever. So, when Elaine called to talk about the Karankawa project and told me that Nico had diarrhea, I practically did a celebration dance in the kitchen. I know, it is quite rude to cheer when a close friend's child gets sick, but I think she forgave me. When Erin ran into the nurse at school yesterday, she confirmed that there was a stomach bug going around Mary Branch with just the symptoms Erin had.

The only other news we've had is that Davis was home for a few days for fall break. Erin and I had been working a large jigsaw puzzle in his room for the past few weeks. When he arrived, he immediately got with the program so that we could finally finish it. We made so much progress on Thursday night, in fact, that we could clearly tell that about 40 pieces were missing. I know what you are thinking. . .check Willie's stomach contents, but we had been vigilant about protecting the pieces and didn't think that was the answer. We searched under furniture and eventually decided we had bought a defective product. Sunday Davis took it apart, so that we could start a different one. He also decided he wanted to take a puzzle to school as a stress-reducing(?) pastime.

The list of things that Davis wanted to take back with him was assorted (to say the least):

  • 25 pounds of rice (supposedly to snack on)
  • coat hangers (does he really have that many clothes, and is he really hanging them up rather than tossing them on the floor?)
  • jump rope
  • measuring cup (is he learning to mix drinks?)
  • two chess sets (anyone for doubles?)
  • winter clothes (in Houston?)
  • folding table and chair
  • tennis racket
  • a one-gallon plastic jug (He says his coffee mug doesn't hold enough. I say enough what?)

This is almost more than he took with him the first time. He also decided to dig the old puzzle keeper out of the attic so that he could close the puzzle away when he and his buddies got rowdy. Lo and behold, when he got it out and dusted it off, eureka, he found the the missing pieces from the now dismantled puzzle.

I can't say we did much with Davis home. I cooked all the requested favorites. We stayed up together and watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report. He and Moo did a fish rescue behind the dam on yesterday when it rained so much. I put off updating Erin's website.

Walter drove him back to Houston today. Tomorrow, Erin and Nico and I will follow that identical route, in preparation for Thursday's scans day. I promise I will update sooner rather than later.

One other bit of personal privilege: Happy Birthday Baby Sister!

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