Davis picked out a gift for his dad and chose express shipping. Thanks to the efficiencies of modern logistics management, his gift is seeing more of the country than many of my students have seen in their lives:
Memphis, TN, United States | 01/23/2012 | 5:07 A.M. | Departure Scan |
Memphis, TN, United States | 01/20/2012 | 11:49 P.M. | Arrival Scan |
Nashville, TN, United States | 01/20/2012 | 7:47 P.M. | Departure Scan |
01/20/2012 | 5:57 P.M. | Arrival Scan | |
Louisville, KY, United States | 01/20/2012 | 4:04 P.M. | Departure Scan |
01/20/2012 | 1:24 P.M. | Arrival Scan | |
Mather, CA, United States | 01/20/2012 | 6:37 A.M. | Departure Scan |
01/20/2012 | 2:00 A.M. | Arrival Scan | |
Sparks, NV, United States | 01/19/2012 | 7:00 P.M. | Departure Scan |
01/19/2012 | 4:41 P.M. | Origin Scan |
That's right:
West and South for 150 miles;
due East for 2250 miles;
mostly South and little West for 175 miles;
mostly West and a little South for 200 miles.
Total miles, so far: 2,784 (still 500 miles to go by the most direct route!).
Can you locate Bryan on the map? Draw a triangle between Houston, Dallas and San Antonio and look for a spot somewhere around the middle of the triangle. You might think it could get here eventually. BUT, considering that--with one exception-- it can't seem to get more than a couple of hours down the road on any particular day, you might think it could be another three days before it arrives. That is, unless you know, as most Texans do, that you really can't get from Texarkana to Bryan by any direct route.
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