
Friday, April 11, 2008

You Have to Know the Rules

April 11, 2008

As I fumbled around the bedroom this morning, looking for suitable attire for a parent-teacher conference first thing, I heard Walter talking downstairs in the kitchen. It seemed unlikely that Erin was awake already, and I hadn't heard the phone ring, so I listened more closely. I heard the following one-sided conversation:

"If you you want to live peaceably in this house, Teddy, you have to know the rules. I always give Luke his medicines first. Your job is to stay out of Luke's way so that he doesn't mistake you for one of his pills and out from under my feet so I don't step on you and squash you. Then I will arrange all the bowls on the counter and fill them with dry food. . ."

Walter proceeded to explain to Teddy the exact routine he followed every morning getting the dogs fed and ready for their longer walk (which I perform, when I come downstairs) with special pointers on what Teddy's job was at each juncture. I know we all feel more confident knowing how we fit into the larger picture.

Teddy was a little behind the curve, because for her first two weeks she had been sleeping in until we rousted her for breakfast. This morning, she decided to join in the early morning dog party, and for some reason thought her very presence would shoot her to the front of the chow line. Now she knows that there is a greater scheme into which she needs to fit. As best I can tell she understood it all perfectly.

It looks like Erin will survive what has been an un-fun week. She hasn't slept well this week, mainly because of various aches and pains. She made enough progress through the week at physical therapy and with her home exercises that she lasted about an hour at soccer practice last night. She is starting to get frustrated at the slow pace of it all. I think we'll head to the park after school today, and of course, she has Tiffany's birthday slumber party tonight, so I guess the week will end less drearily than it started.

I've had some messages from people outside of Texas looking for info about how to contact their Senator or Representatives legislative aide for health directly.

Here is the e-mail convention for all Senate staffers:

If the person you are trying to e-mail is named Betty Brown and she works for Senator Beebop, you would write her at

Here is the e-mail convention for all Representative staffers:

If the person you are trying to e-mail is named Bobby Black, and he works for Representative Hohum, you would write him at

You can call the DC office and ask the staffer's name or you can go to this link. If you enter your zip code (if your zip has more than one representative you may have to put in your more specific address) and enter, the page will return links to both of your senators and your representative. Click on the person you are interested in. On this new page you will see his or her picture. Under the picture are three buttons "bio & contact info," "send message," and "staff members." Click on "staff members" and find someone who does Health. Then you have the name you need.

Write now, right now.

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