
Friday, February 1, 2008

Spoke to Soon

February 1, 2008 (2nd Entry today)

I received news of Erin's blood chemistries drawn yesterday and had the disappointing news that Erin's BUN was up to 30 and that her creatinine had doubled to .8. Dr. Russell told me to take Erin off of celebrex for a week or two and see if we can get the numbers back down to where they need to be. The entire family is complicit in this situation, because rising BUN and creatinine when taking celebrex means she's inadequately hydrated. It's much harder to get her to drink enough when its cold outside, and frankly we've (I've) just been asleep at the switch.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still praying for Erin!!

    Here's a gift for her:

    Nikki from the NB Blogathon
